Waiting for my Invitation

My first attempt with Emirates was a bust. Click here to read about it.

I read on other blogs that it was okay to set up another account on the Emirates Group Careers website as long as you don’t have more than 3 or so. And that is what I did. I created a second one.

This time around, I included my height, weight and date of birth (including year) in addition to a picture of myself on my CV. In the USA, it is not required to put these on the CV, but I said “hey- I really have nothing to lose. I might as well put it all out and be honest with everything.”  But then, I later met applicants who received invitations to an Assessment Day without including these information. Later on, I think that my first set of pictures were the ones that caused my application to be unsuccessful.

In addition to restructuring my CV, I also invested in good photographs. It is not required to spend money on them, but I highly suggest it, especially if you really really want this job and have the resources anyway. I ended up going to a professional photographer in my hometown mall and had the professionals take my photographs in my business attire.

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Half-Body in Business Attire

After sending in my application and CV for the second time – it was all a waiting game. I remember how I obsessively checked my account on a daily basis to see if anything changed. I was very worried I would get another “Application Unsuccessful” again.

During the process, I met a good friend along the way. His name is Ryu. He lives in Japan and is a joiner with Emirates. When I met him, he was waiting for his Golden Call (GC). A GC is when you get that phone call straight from Dubai telling you that you landed yourself an opportunity of a lifetime! And as I write this entry, he is getting ready for his new career awaiting him in Dubai. 🙂 If you get bored reading my blog, I highly suggest reading his. It is so informational and so inspiring! You can visit his blog here.


My friend, Ryu.

Anyway – he was so nice to me. He really helped me calm my nerves and assure me that I will receive an answer from Emirates. He is really fit for this job and I am sure he will be one of the best cabin crews out there.

And that’s what happened! Exactly 7 days later, something happened!

My application went from “Application Received” to “Completed”. This may sound pathetic to some of you, you may laugh at me for being silly – but I honestly felt pure joy reading this. I know it is just a confirmation that I completed my application and I was still very far from getting hired- let alone an invitation, but since my last attempt was unsuccessful, reading this news brought me pure joy .. and brought me more hope that Emirates can soon be a possibility. All I did at the time was celebrate and devour all the positivity that this event has brought me. It’s the little victories that lead to the big ones – right?!

And more good news came! Exactly 3 days later, my application turned from “Completed” to “Application Under Review.” Again, this brought me happiness. Just so thankful that I was moving forward in the process. It might not mean a lot of things at the moment, but I knew it meant that I was moving the needle.. I was one step closer.

My friend said that my application would say “Application Under Review” until I finish my Final Interview – if I were to make it that far. And so that’s the time I started waiting for an invitation for an Assessment Day.

Waiting was the hardest part. I felt like it took the longest time to get an invitation. From that moment on, all I did was check my emailed for updates and I checked my account on a daily basis. And I constantly thought about Emirates. Emirates this.. Emirates that. EMIRATES. lol  I read endless amounts of blogs and did countless hours of research on the company and searched the whole internet on tips on how to land this coveted career!!!

Exactly 14 days later, I checked my email. Holy Lord God Almighty. I received an invitation to an Invitaton-Only CV Drop!

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Words could not express the pure excitement I experienced receiving this email. I thought to myself, “This is it! One step closer!!!”

The first city to pop up on the list was San Francisco! What an awesome city to hold my first-ever assessment day with Emirates! If you want to read more about my experience, click here.

First Attempt

Despite the horror stories I read on other blogs about Emirates Airline, I thought I’d try my luck and apply. A friend of mine, who flies for Air Canada, encouraged me to give it a try. I thought of myself as a charming, outgoing, and a good-looking, friendly young man. How could they not like me?

The very first time I applied and sent in my CV, my application was denied. A week after turning in my application, my account in Emirates Group Careers said that my application was unsuccessful.

This broke my heart. The biggest question I had was – WHY? What went wrong? I remember thinking – they did not even want to see me. I mean, I knew I was capable of the job –  but my accomplishments were not enough??

A few days later, I did some deep researching into finding out how to land a job as a cabin crew for Emirates. I tried contacting current cabin crews who blogged, and who are already flying for them and I even contacted applicants who made it to the Final Interview stage waiting for their Golden Calls – just to gain knowledge of their experience and cheer them on when they got their GC. I even joined groups on Facebook designated for applicants awaiting this very famous Golden Call – I just wanted to feel their energy and get in the right frequency (if you have read The Secret, you know what I mean).

By doing this, I met a few people. While some did not reply (which is understandable. I’m sure they get asked questions about Emirates multiple times), some really took their time to help me out. And that is why they were deserving to receive their GC – because they were very kind and just want to help from the kindness of their hearts … a trait that cabin crews have. A big thank you to you guys!

With the advice I received from my new friends… I decided to change the way my CV was structured and I went to a professional photographer. This time, my application was not denied. Click here to find out what happened next.

Disclaimer: Even though spending money for your photos is not required, in my honest opinion and according to my experience, it increases one’s chances with Emirates. I highly recommend going to a professional photographer or asking a friend who knows how to operate a camera. 🙂